As a part of our B Corp Certification, we publish an Impact Report every year, detailing our achievements and goals for the coming year.
We are currently working towards our recertification in 2025 and hope to increase our score and retain the accolade of being the highest-scoring B Corp in the industry.
The report also talks about the main challenges in the industry and how we deal with them:
Climate Change
Widespread Use of Plastic
Working Conditions, Prospects & Pay

We discuss our approach to sustainability and eco-friendly operations, with some detailed data about our carbon footprint in Scopes 1,2 and 3.
The challenges of plastic use are addressed by explaining our solutions - using Toucan Eco, glass bottles and other plastic-free produces and working closely with Plastic Bank Foundation.
Low pay has historically been a part of cleaning industry but not for us - we have always been a Living Wage Employer, paying the real wage to every single staff member. This section also talks about other ways we look after our people, including internal promotions, trainings and more.

Our report also looks back at our biodiversity projects and achievements in 2024, including our much-loved visits to beehives, which we support and our reforestation project, which is so popular with our volunteers and clients.
Read our report fully online on our Reports Library.